During the festive season, it has been a tradition for many to gift New Year hampers to their business partners, relatives and friends. In a hamper, it usually consists of a variety of food types that may come in the form of canned food, tonics, and dried products. For a premier price, the hamper will
- Published in CNY
What does the mention of Chinese New Year remind you of? Hong Baos? Fire crackers? Food? That’s right! What’s a joyous occasion without food? Beside steamboats, we often sit around at gatherings, with a snack or two in hand. Chinese New Year Cookies are usually placed in the house for visiting guests. It is true
- Published in CNY
Baking is more than following recipes found online or in books blindly. It takes much experience to be a good baker, and to get the sense of making delicious pastries. Given that Chinese New Year is an annual affair and western desserts such as cheesecakes and crumbles are on the top of everyone’s craving list,
- Published in CNY
Regardless of religions, we tend to surround ourselves with food during the festive seasons. Food may include festive goodies, or traditional dishes depending on religions. For the Chinese, as part of our pre-festive preparation, they like to fill the house, in particular common living area, with festive goodies, for themselves and the guests. Such festive
- Published in CNY
As with other races, the Chinese has many traditions passed down from one generation the next. It is evident every year when the Chinese come together to celebrate the New Year. The traditions serve as reminders for the group what their roots are; especially in the era of globalization where many traditional cultures are disappearing
- Published in CNY
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