Looking for Jia Jia or Kai Kai? Look no further, you can have them to yourself today too as Papa Cookies has made these pandas alive! With the innocent beady eyes and the off-white body fondant, these cookies look just as good as they taste. The base layer is a chocolate flavoured biscuit, topped with sugar fondant. They are chewy and crunchy at the same time. If you expect your face to cringe at the sweetness, you will be amazed that the chocolate biscuit is produced by adding purely unsweetened cocoa powder, and not sugary ones. This is deliberately done to balance the sweetness flowing from the fondant layer itself. When you bite on the combined layers, you will be pleasantly surprised to find the right sweetness level is achieved; when you bite on the chocolate biscuit itself, you find the bittersweet taste after. Either way, they both taste just as good.
Don’t they look like they are dancing towards you? You will see them disappear from the table in a blink of your eyes!
The kids are coming, grab one for yourself now!